
Showing posts from December, 2010

"Altar"ed Perceptions- Guest Blog

This week we've got our Beautiful 'Bravesoul Brigid' and her Altar Stories..I've always loved her reasons for choosing sacred items and statuary at The Shoppe.  Brigid is a woman who appreciates the sacred corrolations,  and symbology of objects, and It's fun to hear her tell a story......enjoy ! Hi Lovelies, During this most sacred, holy holiday season (The holidays are actually supposed to be sacred...not filled with stress and aggravation) I want to share with you something that spiritually warms my soul...It's my home altar.

Goddess in the Labyrinth

 The Solstice Evening was magical....A clear night filled with Stars and a bright moon.  The Girls Gathered at the shoppe and each brought tasty delectible treats.  Chocolate, More Chocolate, Organic Chocolate, Wine, Organic Wine, cheeses, crackers, vanilla kalua, godiva liquor, clementines...

Cold Moon

 I'm so jazzed about the upcoming Solstice..I'm really feeling the shift of energy already.  There's a giant Goddess-y Full moon on the longest night of the year!        In times before electricity, this was a night of dispair and fear.  How awful to be submerged into the cold night, with no visible "end" in sight.  Some knew that this was a powerful dreaming time, a shift of consciousness, where you embrace the darkness and the unknowable...      Those who payed attention to Mother Nature's Cyclical power, knew that the light was beginning to return...the sun's power would again permeate our sky soon...      So the Longest Night is upon us..and we've got a Giant Moon. A Full, shimmering moon above us. (let's hope it's a clear night so we can see it!) She speaks to us...Fear not. I am here.

Guest Blog- "Things to Be Grateful for" By Sister Goddess Gina

    Gina is a Sister Goddess and member of the Maryland Pastel Society, the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Assoc, the Phila Sketch Club, the Patchogue Arts Council and the South Bay Artist Association where she is the Publicist and two year trustee.  It's such an inspiration when she brings in her sketchbooks to share with us. I'm honored and excited to share some of my favorite pieces with you here in her Guest Blog! Things to Be Grateful for    Guest Blog By Gina Lento  Scylla and Charybdis      I attend a bellydancing class on Tuesdays at the Goddess Shop in Sayville. I've been going since I was still on crutches, the physical therapist thought it would be good for me and it has been. I go for the exercise;the stretching of muscles that you wouldn't normally stretch, including the ones in my ankle. I go for the company; we have a really great group of ladies and we share some common bonds. It's interesting that w...