
Showing posts with the label sun in taurus

Sun in Taurus- Best Practices

Ta urus is an Earth sign, and it heralds the sensual side of spring.  We can choose to indulge the senses with the delicious scent of rain on the black fertile soil, or the sweet faint smell of the daffodil. But as an Earth sign, it signals the season to work the Earth.  Plant in the soil. Choosing the plot, however big or small, for your vegetables,  bee haven or fairy garden  is in right timing now. As is planning and implementing steady, practical  steps toward your goals. Make consistent progress by adopting a tenacious attitude towards your intentions. Dig your heels in and don't give up now! Sun in Taurus love to receive material earthly things too, is there something you've wanted to buy or invest in ? Allow yourself to receive it. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love. We'll all find ourselves feeling the stir of  those kind  of earthly delights as well.  Sensuality is heightened during this time.  So you appreciate  even more   soft touche