Squirrel of Awesomeness

Image By D.Hofmann A girl's gotta wonder sometimes, where to put her energy...I've got my intuition humming, and showing me The City of Gold from the top of a mountain. But then practicality demands I take little steps, you know..One foot infront of the other, to get there.. Mom jokes that I want to use my flying carpet, and take everyone with me......She's right! Is that so wrong? Saturday, driving to class, I saw a perky squirrel, poised on the edge of Sunrise Hwy. It's determined little face pointed to the other side. Six lanes total of mayhem to cross..The State park still visible behind it's perfect little swirl of a tail.. This squirrel is leaving the reserve. Blazing a trail. I didn't have the nerve to look in my rearview mirror, to see the outcome. I took the sighting as divine inspiration. How can we expect great things, exquisite outcomes, doing the same old thing? We can research, gathe...