Angels and Goddesses

Angels have come to play in the Goddess Shoppe! We've invited them in with lovely Statuary and ornaments, books and oracles this past Holiday Season. They started showing up during my private and group Reiki sessions, they started speaking to Ginger. (she now does Angel Readings , if you are interested.). So last week, instead of our regular meditation practice, our Goddess Experience Group did an 'active' meditation, to connect with the Angels. After four weeks of meditation, and intuition building excercises, we were all comfortable with our inner knowing. Most People have a warm-fuzzy feeling when they think about Angels or see angel imagery, so I figured this would be OK to spring on everyone.. This particular meditation-excercise, had us break off into pairs, and giving an Angel Reading to our partner..We had an even number of Goddess-Women in class that day, So I invited my Mother, Ginger, in to join me, so I could pl...