Is "Exercise" a dirty word?

For some women it is! They are sure that it means a loud gym with confusing equipment, or a room full of others who "know the choreography" of a complicated aerobic sequence. Or no-pain-no-gain. Or comparisons and pushing too hard. What if it was pleasure? If you can imagine what it feels like to have the strength of your body course through you while you execute a movement that evokes primal feminine power. If you can imagine what it feels like to smoothly transition, with grace, one movement to another.. any movement at all would look like poetry. What if during your workout, you felt meditative, calm..on the verge of joyful? What if the group (of women only) you were with, were also totally into it? What if you did cross over the "joyful" threshold , and let out a laugh, or a sigh or moan, or a "woo!"? What if you felt beautiful, while you your pj's? You'd have crossed over into the goddess-zone. These ...