Full Moon in Aries/Sun in Libra

So today, the Moon is full and in the sign of Aries.. Do you know any Aries people? They are fun. I just love them. This full moon portal is where you and I can act like them a little bit. Art by D. Eskridge So.............. you could... Start (or finish!) that thing that you've been putting off take a big action that can take you, your dream or your project forward (think like "the Ram") speak up in your relationship/or at work ask for what you want be spontaneous and adventurous ***For Xtra Credit: check your Astrology Chart and see what house Aries is in..this is the area you are being 'nudged into action'*** ( I'd love to help you with this, contact me!) Here's a wonderful thing, the Libra Sun will help to keep you balanced...and not go overboard. Libra also offers a bit of grace and fairness to everything you do. Which is helping you to not bully or act like a jerk when you talk to someone about something that you've been avo...