A New Year is Coming

Waiting for the Ball to Drop? This year has brough many light and bright experiences, opportunities for expansion, creativity, inspiration and joy. It has also brought profound deep reflection and incubating darkness. It is interesting to note, that this is the fertile ground for the seed to germinate... The brand new . This has been a year of many challenges and life lessons. I am grateful for them all, and I release them with love. Now more love and wonder-full-ness can grow, bloom and flourish . I will lovingly let go of 2013. Right now is a great time to take stock of the year on paper; (or a mental list can work too) what do I want to let go of? (for good!) what did I accomplish? (give yourself credit for all the little things too!) what is left undone? (do you still care about it? Is it still important?) what experiences am I grateful for?