Libra Sun- Libra Moon ..It's Autumn!

That's it. Summer is over. Gone are the long warm days.. The Daylight and the nighttime are equal. In Balance . The Harvest is underway. Time to take stock of what you've accomplished..and all that Good Karma that you've sowed. Reap it up! Speaking of Reaping... Do you know about Goddess Maat and her scales of truth?? She's the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice. At the time of death, a soul comes to her and Anubis, with their heart out.. Yeah.... in a canopic jar. They'll weigh your heart against a feather. The feather of truth. Is your heart as light as a feather? What is weighing on your heart? Well..Now is the perfect time to set that right . The Libra energy is all about Balance..(and beauty..and truth) After all, if your heart is not proved to be as light as said feather.. You are completely devoured by the demon Ammit and your heart is to remain forever restless..instead of finding peace and rebirth. Forever Restless is how we fe...