The Archetypal Moon Mother and the Big Crab

Sweet, nurturing, caring, cooking, nourishing, mothering, protective...These are some of the attributes of Cancer. I happen to have a bunch of planets in the 10th and 9th houses in cancer. So that's why I tend to "mother" my private clients and the people I love dearly. I'm interested in your health, stress-levels, healing, your body, fertility and your cycles, nourishing soul-food, creating a safe comfortable space to be open, and then having a deep desire to make everything all better. Mamma Mia! 3 Children and an Igloo by Edith Vonnegut We have a Cancer Sun and Cancer Moon conjunction this holiday weekend..... a watery emotional sign that signifies; Perfect timing for nurturing others, with words, or deeds, I like preparing food, and creating a comfortable, enjoyable sacred space for people I love. Even if it's just for watching the tube. AND perfect timing for taking a...