My Experience as a Goddess - Guest Blog by Sister Goddess Karen

My Experience as a Goddess -Guest Blog by Sister Goddess KarenI shared this year (my Year of the Cougar) that my theme song is "I Am Woman..." Well, sit back and get ready to smirk & shake your head gently...
I went to a Goddess class last night. This is a group of 9 or 10 woman who meet once a week for a class on energizing the Chakras spots through dance movements and guided meditation with a little Reiki thrown in.
Picture this: gathering in a parlor area of a small shop specializing in honoring woman with perfumes, statues, beautiful jewelry, and books on inspiration & meditation. In the back is a light wooden floor with a wall to ceiling mirror on one side and a beautiful mural of Bottacelli's Venus on the back wall and tulle on the ceiling sparkling with white lights in this dimly lit room.
Now that you can visualize the surroundings, let me share the evening as I experienced it.Soft music plays as we gather around and introduce ourselves and share a challenge and a success. Then with scarves lined with coins tied around out waists, we line up and follow Jessimina as she takes us through a 50 minute Chakras movement session. This sort of belly-dancing (there goes the smirk) and movement works the muscles and energizing the different Chakras spots.
The movements are all so graceful when demonstrated by Jess, but quite awkward for beginners. To motivate me even more was another first timer, a young blind lady with her guide dog. Any awkwardness that I felt, disappeared as gratitude for my body swelled and at the same time such respect for this...Goddess. Truly, how inspiring.

We ended with sitting up and trying to connect our thoughts to somebody special. An intuitive exercise in connecting to the world through their eyes.
As I know it sounds a bit out there, I have finally grasped what has come over me. I have always held fast to my Faith and will continue to do so. It's just that I am now adding spirituality to my Faith and honoring myself in the process. I am the happiest that I can remember. I am peaceful. And finally, I am excited as each day is here. No more looking to the tomorrows when everything will line up just right. Tomorrow is here for me. All is good in my world. Namaste!
As I know it sounds a bit out there, I have finally grasped what has come over me. I have always held fast to my Faith and will continue to do so. It's just that I am now adding spirituality to my Faith and honoring myself in the process. I am the happiest that I can remember. I am peaceful. And finally, I am excited as each day is here. No more looking to the tomorrows when everything will line up just right. Tomorrow is here for me. All is good in my world. Namaste!
Be sure to check out her blog, or subscribe to keep up to date on her Goddess Adventures!
until next time!-Jessamina
until next time!-Jessamina
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