Giving Form to the Formless

As I sit here on my bed, softly supporting me, clicking away on the keys.. I'm pondering the wisdom of my body. The selfless, genius inside all of my cells. How do you prompt me to eat that banana, the edamame, the three strawberries?.. It feels different than the prompting to eat those 2 mint cookies. No matter, it all matters. This body figured out what to do with all of it. I am grateful for your wisdom. I heard a piece of music today, that coincidentally (???HA!) I like to use in my Movement class. I was elated to hear it "out of the blue" and instantly rose up and danced. Eyes closed..being thankful again for the wisdom of the body. How many intricate tasks involving muscle, tendon, sinew, neurons, electric impulses, breath, and more were performed as I shimmied, swayed, popped/locked, and swirled my hips..How my hands got to play too, moving in their own dance, to the secondary rhythm..The smile on my face, as I connected back in time..(or was it the f...