10 things you probably didn't know about me
1. I love dancing to Heavy Metal music..the "groovy" kind; melodic,bass-driven and hard.
2. I don't text.(things change..and out of convenience I do text now!!!)
3. I think Tattoos are very sexy. My Husband has lots of them.
4. I don't have any tattoos! My Husband loves my "milky-white skin", go figure!
5. In my early 20s I owned an orange Harley. I sold it to pay for a big, beautiful, paved driveway, and Doula Services for my second child.
6. I talk to my garden plants. I apologize alot for pruning..and whisper how beautiful they are
7. I have a special tree-friend..He's the strong, silent type.
8. I have very vivid dreams, and I'm not always myself in my dreams.
9. I gave up coffee. and gluten. and sugar. and dairy.
10. I don't like TV..but I like a few cartoons; Metalocolypse, Regular Show, and Adventure time and True Blood..Which is not actually a cartoon, but pretty close to it.
2. I don't text.(things change..and out of convenience I do text now!!!)
3. I think Tattoos are very sexy. My Husband has lots of them.
4. I don't have any tattoos! My Husband loves my "milky-white skin", go figure!
5. In my early 20s I owned an orange Harley. I sold it to pay for a big, beautiful, paved driveway, and Doula Services for my second child.
6. I talk to my garden plants. I apologize alot for pruning..and whisper how beautiful they are
7. I have a special tree-friend..He's the strong, silent type.
8. I have very vivid dreams, and I'm not always myself in my dreams.
9. I gave up coffee. and gluten. and sugar. and dairy.
10. I don't like TV..but I like a few cartoons; Metalocolypse, Regular Show, and Adventure time and True Blood..Which is not actually a cartoon, but pretty close to it.
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