Stressed out? The Pleasure Prescription.

When we are headed right into a stressful situation... Maybe you're driving to work, knowing you have a demanding client(or boss) or workload to face when you get there. Maybe you have 3 kids to get dressed and ready and fed and packed up, (and you have to look good too) when you bring them in to school to meet with the guidance counselor. Maybe you are going on a blind date and your phone rings, and you have to take the call from one of your relatives who isn't doing very well. Any one of these can elicit a stress response. Any version of these (or all of them at once) can happen on any given day..or every day, right? Stress releases a sea of adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones that disrupt almost all of your body's processes. Now this response is supposed to be temporary and essential to our survival in the scope of evolution, but most people are in a constant state of stress and long-term activation of the stress-response system is really detrimen...