Stressed out? The Pleasure Prescription.

When we are headed right into a stressful situation...
Maybe you're driving to work, knowing you have a demanding client(or boss) or workload  to face when you get there.
Maybe you have 3 kids to get dressed and ready and fed and packed up, (and you have to look good too) when you bring them in to school to meet with the guidance counselor.
Maybe you are going on a blind date and your phone rings, and you have to take the call from one of your relatives who isn't doing very well.
Any one of these can elicit a stress response.
Any version of these (or all of them at once) can happen on any given day..or every day, right?

Stress releases a sea of adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones that disrupt almost all of your body's processes.

Now this response is supposed to be temporary and essential to our survival in the scope of evolution, but most people are in a constant state of stress and long-term activation of the stress-response system is really detrimental to our health.

(ever get that feeling in your adrenal cortex when you hit the brakes in your car real hard?)

Causing stuff like:

  • depression- over 19 million people are dealing with major depression, 
  • anxiety- over 40 million people struggle with anxiety disorder
  • digestive problems -common to most people on the planet
  • weight gain - 78.6 million are obese in the US!
  • heart disease -the leading cause of death in the US
  • sleep problems-40 million suffer with chronic sleep disorders 
  • panic attacks - 18% of US adults have experienced a panic attack
  •  memory and cognitive impairment- ummmm what were we just talking about?
Oh yeah, this is just to name a few ways that stress is affecting us all..
It's not your fault!

As if that wasn't bad enough all of those things have secondary problems, like; destroyed relationships, a damaged self image, bad decision making , crabby outlook on life...nobody wants any of that, either.

Did you know that Feelings of love and pleasure can counteract the stress response?

The power of healing touch is a powerful remedy for pain and stress. Participating in or even looking at images of: Hugging, sex, massage, cuddling, canoodling, hand holding, and reiki will make you feel better.

Self-pleasuring, self- massage, putting lotion or oil onto your body, putting on makeup and brushing you hair can stimulate a pleasurable response and bring in some oxytocin too.

Exercise and physical activity can raise up endorphin and serotonin levels, and if you enjoy these activities, you'll have an even better stress-reducing response.

Try a Guided meditation, silent meditation, or chocolate meditation. Meditation helps reduce anxiety, depression and pain and is even better when practiced in a group!

'Positive psychology' has shown that pursuing pleasure as a means to stave off stress is very successful.
Results can last up to a week after indulging in a pleasurable activity. 
Ritual Bathing, reading a brand new book, getting my hair washed, eating raw chocolate, looking at the sea, walking in the woods, hugging my guy, smelling a baby's head, making candles, getting a pedicure, dancing in the mirror, laughing maniacally with friends, are some of my favorites.
But these "activities" are totally subjective.
The stuff I love may not turn you on at all.
Meaning a foot rub may be heavenly to me, and just dreadful to you!
It's a real good idea to have a list of things you love.
A real list.
If you are feeling low, pull out the list.
Here's the weird thing, there's something called habituation, which means you derive pleasure from say the first bite of chocolate, but less and less as you keep eating.(be careful!)Or your weekly bath may lose it's sensual appeal.
Having a list will remind you of some of the pleasures you haven't visited in while, and you'll very likely enjoy them more when you revisit them!
Try new things too.

In delight, pleasure and love, and in service to de-stressing women everywhere,
Bright Blessings to you!

Check out my free report:
7 Divine Ways to Embody the Goddess 
(when you're wrung out, dissatified or uninspired)


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