Capricorn Sun and Capricorn New Moon - Winter Solstice Blessings!

Capricorn Sun and Capricorn New Moon So you've taken stock of your blessings this past Thanksgiving..Right? You are totally grateful for what you've experienced thus far.. We getting ready to let go of 2014. Really stepping into 2015 in a big way..Yes! Time to plan it. Create space for it. Get ready for The brand new . The Light is coming!!!!! We are in a new moon right now. New Moon energy is awesome for starting new things, ventures, habits etc.. Here's a New Moon Ritual to help make 2015 your stellar year. You need A piece of paper, or a note taking program/ mobile device...something to record your thoughts Capricorn energy likes to plan, be practical, and get your finances in order. Capricorn also is connected to your home, organization, systems that help you get things done, real estate, your property, and grounded efforts towards the practical things you want to accomplish. So let's use this window of opportunity S...