While we still have the sensual Sun in Taurus…The full moon in Scorpio is here, late Saturday night.  Sexy Scorpionic energy likes to add emotional extravagance to the mix, so why not profess your love to someone you adore? Pull out all the stops with dramatic accessories or costume pieces to accentuate your mysterious or  risque side. A gorgeous moonlit night can be the perfect setting for a Beltane bonfire….and maybe even a wanton interlude. The veils between the worlds are thin too, (as Beltane is the exact opposite of Halloween , or Samhain) and you can go look for faeries at dawn while you gather up the morning dew for a magical, youth-inducing, fresh-as-a-maiden facial.
fairy spring
The sweet smell of spring is in full effect now. The peach tree has pink blossoms that are just adorable, the ornamental pear tree has these delicate white, tiny flowers on them that are slightly fragrant.. The hostas grow larger every day, so quickly that I’d like to set aside some time to just sit with them and watch them grow. Really just witness their ambitiousness.
And Hey, It’s Beltane Weekend!
Beltane is celebrated traditionally as a fertility festival, so if you are looking to bring fertile energy to a project, idea or literal conception, now is a powerful time to do it.beltane
Take your prayers, dances and sacred rites outside for some real potency!
Floralia is the celebration of the return of the flower goddess, Flora.   Weave a crown of flowering twigs and branches or tuck a few blooms in your hair to connect with the wild maiden inside you.
Join me for the live or virtual  version of the Spring Goddess Experience for a stellar celebratory springtime, or get in the flow of the season on your own with the Spring Goddess meditation.


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