How to capture the potent power of the summer solstice
Falling halfway between Beltane and the first harvest, The Summer Solstice is upon us!
The Longest day, the shortest night.
The roses bloom, the strawberries darken, the peaches ripen.
The honeysuckle scented nighttime air makes us swoon.
Romance is paramount and the fairy festivals are in full swing.
Allowing for some time in the sun to feel the heightened power is a great practice. You can store it up like a battery for the winter or set your own meaningful intention, perfect for:
- extra healing energy
- a vitality boost
- strength of spirit
- moxie, pluck, and courage
- get-up-and-go
- stamina
- sexual potency, virility
- radiance
- bright beauty
"An enchanted hour was filched from the hereafter and tossed into the lap of the present, as a foretaste of what is to come....... A mystic world, into which we step as soon as we cross the threshold of the porch." - Ethelind Fearon
Head out into the noonday sunshine over the next few days, play with prisms, crystals, and the flora and fauna in your yard or favorite nature space...
"Bright star gifting nourishing light,sparkle and shimmer, glaring-gleam.Conquering shadows and the night,baptize with your radiant beam.Flowing with luminous power,radiate blessings from aboveThe bees, our earth , every flowerand me! Enfold us with your love."-Summer Solstice invocation by jessamina
Go have fun! Be playful and light... Bright Blessings Glorious Goddess!
If you need more powerful ways to invoke great power, get your "7 ways to instantly feel like a goddess" report right now, right here.
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