Gluten Free and Sugar Free Doesn't have to suck.

Gorgeous, Simple Apple Cake

Going gluten free and sugar free doesn't have to suck. I adapted this recipe so that I wouldn't get that awful bloated, too-full feeling, and to not feed that feel-like-crap-and-be-crabby processed white sugar addiction monkey.

11 steps to eating blissful apple cake.

       Got Apples? 

1. I started with 4 gigantic honeycrisp beauties....
(organic is best..apples on are on the 'dirty-dozen list')
Use an apple slicer to make easy work of this.
Peel off the skins and slice the apple pieces down the middle to make 2 thick wedges for each slice.
Put them in a big bowl.
2. Preheat your oven to 350 when you're done with the apple slicing business.
3. Coat the inside of a 9 inch springform pan with a nonstick cooking spray.
4. Mix the apples in that big bowl with 1/4 cup coconut sugar and 1/2tsp. cinnamon set it aside.
5. In a smaller bowl, Cream up the 1/2 cup butter or Ghee and then add 1 cup of coconut sugar

Whip it good.

6. Add 1 cup gluten free flour and 1tsp. baking powder to the mix
7. Beat 2 eggs and 1tsp. vanilla extract in a cup then add that to to the mixture 
8. Put the mixture (cake batter) in the bottom of the pan evenly
9. Arrange your sugary-cinnomon apple wedges in a spiral, slightly overlapping layers.
10. Bake for 1/2 hour ..turn the cake a half of a turn.. and bake for another 1/2 hour (1 hour total)
this is the side view, see how the cake holds it all together? 

I added a handfull of pecans to a blob of ghee and a little maple syrup and heated them up for a 'candied' effect, before adding them the top.
 11. Have your Cake and Eat it too!

Don't feel like baking today?
Check out my free report:
7 Divine Ways to Embody the Goddess 
(when you're wrung out, dissatified or uninspired)


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