My ThanksGiving Secret

It's like, a hundred ingredients, but it's totally worth the scavenger hunt at the supermarket.
It's for Cranberry Chutney
and the first time I tried it,
was a few Thanksgivings back at my dad's house.
and the first time I tried it,
was a few Thanksgivings back at my dad's house.
I went back for thirds, and fourths..after I said I was "so full" embarrassing. Thank you Jill!
Here it is (recipe is doubled for Thanksgiving and amended ingredients are in parenthesis)4 C Fresh organic Cranberries
1.5 cups packed brown sugar (or Coconut Sugar)
1 C light Raisins (or regular raisins)
1 C chopped celery
1 C chopped apple
1 C coarsely chopped walnuts
4 T finely snipped candied ginger
4 T lemon juice
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 C water and
2 tsp Onion salt (this was too much for me so I just shaked it in to my taste)
Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil, stirring constantly
Simmer Uncovered 15 min, stirring occasionally
Store in Fridge, covered, serve chilled.
I especially love that my husband and most of my in-laws won't even touch the stuff, and there is usually enough for next-day sandwiches.
Happy ThanksGiving!
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Sounds delicious!!! I will have to check this out the next time around!!!