Reiki For Birth
REI-Spritually Guided
KI-Life Force Energy
"spiritually Guided Life Force Energy"... that's it!
Not a religion or a belief, a power that you can direct and use.. Accessed through an attunement process, that was passed down to me through my father; a Reiki-Master-Teacher in both the Usui and Kuruna Systems of Reiki. Now I've been attuned to the Master-Teacher level in the Usui tradition, which means I can "turn on" the Reiki in others through an attunement process, and practice Reiki at a very high energetic level.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that is very easy to learn and use. It activates and energizes the crown, heart, and hand chakras to direct "universal life force energy" into another person. When you connect with the Reiki "ray" you are also receiving reiki right through these chakras as well..i find that the more time I spend in the Reiki "ray" the more I feel connected to source, my guides, my higher self, and my intuition..
As a practioner, If you have Reiki II or better, you can certainly help shift your clients, or your own limiting beliefs around birth, and your/her own personal power and ability to birth the way you/she wants.
You can even help to heal past trauma, (sexual or otherwise) that may impede her/your innate birthing powers. A Reiki session with a practioner before her/your birth would be ideal.
As many of you know, I am in awe of birth and birthwork. Being present at the portal of birth, for the new souls coming onto Earth is an amazing privilege. Supporting the Mama-Goddess aspect is high holy work!
KI-Life Force Energy
"spiritually Guided Life Force Energy"... that's it!
Not a religion or a belief, a power that you can direct and use.. Accessed through an attunement process, that was passed down to me through my father; a Reiki-Master-Teacher in both the Usui and Kuruna Systems of Reiki. Now I've been attuned to the Master-Teacher level in the Usui tradition, which means I can "turn on" the Reiki in others through an attunement process, and practice Reiki at a very high energetic level.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that is very easy to learn and use. It activates and energizes the crown, heart, and hand chakras to direct "universal life force energy" into another person. When you connect with the Reiki "ray" you are also receiving reiki right through these chakras as well..i find that the more time I spend in the Reiki "ray" the more I feel connected to source, my guides, my higher self, and my intuition..
During the Birth Process, Reiki is a perfect companion to the compassionate loving energy that you give to your clients so freely.
Working in this higher vibration and bringing this energy into the birthing room would be beneficial and helps create an even more sacred experience for baby and mom.
Reiki can ease suffering and pain, give a boost of energy to a hard working momma and fortify the uterus with extra power for more efficient contractions...saves time! );
If you are a birthworker and Reiki Practitioner, you are in contact with the reiki 'flow' and you feel energized, rather than depleted from all the 'giving energy' that you are bestowing on your client..Let Reiki do the work for you, if you get tired!

As a practioner, If you have Reiki II or better, you can certainly help shift your clients, or your own limiting beliefs around birth, and your/her own personal power and ability to birth the way you/she wants.
You can even help to heal past trauma, (sexual or otherwise) that may impede her/your innate birthing powers. A Reiki session with a practioner before her/your birth would be ideal.
Reiki for the Postpartum Mom brings blessings and healing energy directly to the baby, breasts, the recovering pelvic floor, uterus, vulva, her relationship to self (reiki II) as she/you transition into the Mother Role.
As many of you know, I am in awe of birth and birthwork. Being present at the portal of birth, for the new souls coming onto Earth is an amazing privilege. Supporting the Mama-Goddess aspect is high holy work!
I really believe that adding reiki to your current energetic practice (doula, pre-natal fitness instructor, breasfeeding expert, postpartum therapists especially!) will expand the consciousness of all involved...
I could go on and on...and I plan to- in my upcoming workshop!
If you are interested in spending a few hours with me to learn (or even re-learn)Reiki and become a Reiki Practitioner, go here for more info! I also am available for private Reiki Sessions..
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