
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Churning of The Ocean

Preparing for this Hurricane felt different than last year. I remember, that August, Taking windchimes down..stuff like that. This year we were putting cables around outdoor furniture and garbage pails.. Literally clearing the decks. Strategically parking our cars, etc. We were, and still are safe in our home. I am abundant.. in my cozy living room, freshly showered, with food and electricity and water. Before the storm hit, my family went out to check out or local beach, Smith's Point. The full moon was almost upon us, a sacred mirror, reflecting back to us all..something. I listened for an answer here, and recalled instantly Lakshmi's creation story...Of how the Gods churned the ocean intil it was "milk"..As she rose upon a lotus out of the ocean, along with Chandra, the Moon...Peace came over the land whenVishnu- the god who supports and sustains the universe- could unite with Lakshmi. Here she is bringing her great beauty, Sounding the sacred sou...

Creating a little light in the world

Ever since I was very small, I've dreamt about fire.. Fire Chasing me. I'd run, I'd hide..Fire would find me. Firestar, was on a Spiderman cartoon tv show that I would watch with my little brother... She could control fire, and fly. I'd watch them all, hoping she would make a cameo.. I went through a phase around 12 years old, where I would only wear red and black. I studied elemental magic as a teen and played with fire..a lot. I remember once, putting rubbing alcohol inside my terra-cotta cauldren (it was really a potpourri burner) and throwing a match into it.....Blue Fire! Now I create aromatherapeutic candles. Not as dramatic as my fantasy of creating fire like Firestar.. But close enough. I loved creating them for my Family and Friends as gifts ("candles again?"), custom jobs for spas, and of course, the Goddess Shoppe had me really cooking. A few weeks ago, I received an order from   Stars above in Sa...

There's no one like you....

My family and I visited our favorite Apple Picking Destination " Seven Ponds Apple Orchard " last weekend. It was a picture perfect day for Motorcycle riding... My husband Anthony knows all the back roads real well and here on Long Island, there are some real beauties.  We had a Clear, crisp sky on a  warm early fall day.. I love meditating as we ride, there's just the wind, the motor and my own thoughts. Being in nature, even if it's going by real fast,  is such pleasure on a day like that. I was thinking of where I saw myself going in the next year, and how far I had come.  It seemed like just yesterday, last October...The 1st Reiki Class at The Goddess Shoppe, with my homemade Apple Pie...I was thinking about all of the reiki practitioners out there, doing their good work...maybe they are ready to teach others, become a Reiki Master? Sonny, my middle guy, is ready for Reiki II, he tells me.. Anyway, we were out there for the ride, yes, ...

4 ways you might be holding yourself back.

Many women are hearing the "Call to share their Divine Gifts" When I started hearing the buzz about this hot topic, I was stressed out! I had been working so hard to "bring forth my brilliance" and all that good stuff. I heard the "who are you not to be fabulous?" pep talk..(Marianne her) But something was holding me back. Do you know what's holding you back? Yes? No? Maybe? You might be surprised. The way you were brought up - do you remember the things you were taught about money, relationships, things, or experiences (that you want now) as a young women or child?  How you see yourself - Your education, body image, economic status, current position, roles, characteristics or labels you identify with... Preconceived Notions- This is the stuff you have pretty strong opinions about, the stuff you think you know. Fear - of the unknown, of being hurt, judged, or embarassed. There are more..I'm sure of it. Maybe ...

How I met Lakshmi

In October of 1996 I was in a an awful marriage.. I didn't trust myself at all, as a young adult, or respect my own needs. I didn't really have any desires either. (I prided myself on that one, and used it as an excuse for not moving forward.) I felt like a martyr, and not a very good one either. I was, however, an "open" person. I did love a good adventure.. and I still do. When my mother told me of an opportunity to come to a very special Ashram as special guests of her friend, Dr. Terry Gold, to hear a talk by her  "guru" it sounded like an auspicious proposition. I was curious and had absolutely no preconceived notions of what this experience might be like. Which was a good thing. I couldn't have been prepared for the scene that unfolded as we got to the ashram, and stepped off the tour bus. We walked for quite a while up to the building, and were greeted by swamis dressed in orange robes who bowed slightly to us..beautifully kept gard...