November 28 Eclipse, how it will affect you!

Hey...we made it out of Mercury Retrograde..Buckle up for the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini today.
We will not be able to see it over here on the US east coast, but the effects of the energy will continue
for months! It is the tail-end of a cycle that included the last Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
I Sure wish I could remember what I was working on during that last gemini eclipse in may..
If you can remember what you were trying to accomplish then,
you may see it's coming to fruition now.
It's 8am and my "darkside" is already making an appearance..
It's a little early in the month for "those hormones" to be acting out,
so I'm blaming it on being so sensitive to these crazy planetary influences.
If it seems like routine lately, all this wierd energy, you're right..
We are hurdling towards the 'new age of light',
and we are becoming increasingly more sensitive.
I like to think that perhaps this is an opportunity
to honor and examine our true nature and our real desires....again!

Additionally you can Check your Astrology Chart for "Lilith" 
"Lilith" will be transiting now, as well.
It will reveal to you places you refuse to be subservient,
and the places where you "can't seem to get ahead".
The symbol Looks like this
However, Most charts do not include her..
Find it here
Here are the major themes for this eclipse:
  • power struggles
  • sexual desires (the kind that haven't been expressed)
  • your 'dark side' showing a big way
  • an alliance or new partnership could be really great right now
  • defense mechanisms
  • need for dominance
  • speaking up for yourself

Ok so you can easily see the potential for some trouble here..

"When I'm good, I'm Very Good,
But when I'm Bad, I'm Better."
-Mae West
But I think the gift is pretty plain to see,
We are integrating these aspects in a wholistic way.
We need to express them,
or at least, acknowledge them as a part of us.
It is time for us to own these aspects of self.

Here's one example: One of my power struggles is w/my kids..
I want them to do certain things for themselves..
this morning I had NO tolerance for whining, breakfast indecision, or staying in bed after the 3rd wakeup call.
I was pretty twisted about all of it..
but it's over now.
I put that momma-bitch back in her evil-genie-bottle...
which pretty much guarantees she'll be making another appearance
until I can integrate her better into the "I'll-do-it-for-you-honey" version of me as mom.

So look again at the bullet points above.,
Take them one-by-one 
and see if you can embrace them with your eyes open..
Please share your experiences below, so everyone learns!

Astrology is just one tool for understanding your nature.
If you would like my personal support,
I have effective ways to discover your true needs
and how to reposition yourself to gett the results you really want from life.
Schedule a private session with me here.


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