The Goddess Newsletter

Hello Goddesses!

Thank you for a wonderful October, Ladies...What a fantastic Group we had!

I love, love, love, and I am Grateful:

  • That you brought your friends to share the Goddess Workout and Experience..
  • That you all generously sent protective blessing energy into The Goddess Shoppe's inventory of Hand and Body Creams!
  • That you all enjoyed the guided meditations, and how it is now a part of our Workout, making it an even more balanced experience...
  • That I got to spend some quality time through private appointments with some very special women.
  • That some of you are coming back in November!

you can still register for the sessions here

As we head into the "Thanks-Giving" Season It's a wonderful opportunity to reflect on Gratitude. In this past Cycle of the Goddess Sessions, you shared your Gratitude for the wonderful things in your life, your Desires, and The things that you are celebrating in your life..I learned so much from each of you, as you shared with us. I felt a deep connection as you voiced the very things that were inside my own heart. We will continue this practice, in November as well, because It feels so good to get this perspective at his time of the year..

I'd love to hear from you, please share your Gratitudes, Desires, or Celebrations Below in the Comments.


  1. I am so very grateful for my wonderful friends, near and far, who support me, make me laugh, help me think, and listen to me vent. Although I don't get to see some as often as I'd like, I still wouldn't be able to be my best me without them. So this season, I am grateful for girlfriends, girlfriend!

  2. I could say the same about you, Colleen..So I will! I'm so eternally grateful for your friendship, your ear, your comedy..You are dear to my heart, sweet sister..XO


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